Monday, August 1, 2011

Servin' it up!

Mi Familia!!

So this week has been awesome! Started out Tuesday as we went to Helena for a Leadership meeting! It was such a blessing and joy to be able to understand what I'm supposed to be doing as a District Leader! I conducted my first district meeting and it was awesome! I feel so lucky to be leading my district and have such wonderful elders who are willing to make changes and DO WORK! I came up with a theme for our district which is,

"You can't do the same things and expect different results!"

We're all excited to do more and our numbers reflected as each of our areas did better this week! I'm excited to continue to set new goals and work together with my fellow elders to achieve them! :)

This week was filled with TONS of service! From buckin' hay, choppin' wood, to moving people and doing some yard work for some investigators! Y'all know how much I LOVE doing service so this week was awesome! We would go do service then change into our prosyleting clothes and then find someone else and change back into our grubbies! It was so much fun :) One house we were doing service for (that was planned) we showed up in shirts and ties and then changed and afterwards his nephew, who we were working with, after we changed back into our clothes was like, "Man y'all look WAY different!" Haha it was so funny! It tied in nicely for sunday school as we talked about serving others. One of the leaders said, "It's funny to say, you could ask me what I remember about being in young mens and I couldn't tell you a thing. I could tell you about everytime we got together and served someone though!" It made me think back as well and the only things I can remember as well were times when I served someone! My favorite scripture...

"I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom. That ye may learn that when you are in the service of your fellow beings, you're only in the service of your God." -Mosiah 2:17

I'm sorry to hear about all the hot weather :/ I feel bad for y'all because right now it's only 69 degrees! Rollin' with the windows down and livin' it up! Going to be playing soccer today and I don't know if I'll even break a sweat! We're definitely coming up here one summer when I get home to get out of the heat! haha

I'm excited to be getting letters and such from y'all! I will tell you of an awesome story this week! So we've been meeting with this gentleman for awhile now. He comes to institute weekly, but we struggle to meet with him during the week because of his schedule. Well, we were able to meet with him last night and taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ! I think it was the BEST lesson I've taught since I've been on a mission! Elder Mangelson and I clicked awesome with the spirit and we committed him to follow Jesus Christ and to be baptized! He accepted and is SO excited! It made my day as it was a day filled with every emotion possible. It was crazy!

I'm so grateful for the spirit and being an instrument in the Lord's hand that can help his children here in Bozeman, Montana!

I love y'all and think of y'all often :)

-Elder Parr

p.s. The Lord has truly been answering my prayers and I've met so many of my brothas this week ;)

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