So I left Bozeman yesterday morning at 10am and headed to Great Falls where I am at currently. I'm on team ups with Elder Mudge at the moment which is the BOMB! He is one of my favorite elders out here in the field so far. We came out together at the same time!
I will be here in Great Falls 'til tomorrow at 4pm. From there the transfer van will drop off 3 goldens for me! I will then take a brand new Chevy truck and drive to Missoula to drop 2 of them off, and then proceed to Polson with my new golden :) Oh! And in that process I will have no phone and no GPS ;) It will be a great adventure for sure! I'm so excited for what's in store in Polson. I have NO idea what I will be doing in a brand new area and what not, but the minute members found out I was leaving Bozeman for Polson I got 3 referrals for people for me to go see :) I just called the sisters that were covering the area there and got my new address!
Polson, Mt 59860
I will be living with Bishop T there in his basement :) Supposedly he is way excited to have elders again and looking forward to DOIN' WORK with us! So that is what I know about transfers. I will know a LOT more by next week. I don't know if I will be the District Leader there yet. I'm supposed to get a call from president soon and hopefully he will fill me in. The sister I called thought I was the District we will see!
This past week has been wonderful! There is a very cool experience I wanted to share with y'all especially, though! When I first got to Bozeman we were introduced to this young man who began to take the missionary lessons. He was very tough to teach as he didn't really believe in God and was not very religious anymore AT ALL. He didn't pray because he didn't believe and had so many questions. Varying in philosphy and what not. Well the school semester ended and he told us he wasn't sure if he would meet with us again or come to church when he got back, especially if I was gone. Well, during the summer he showed up twice for church. Mainly to sing in the choir, he is a music major at school. School was starting back up and he was in town last Sunday and asked to meet with us. We had a good lesson with him. Questions about why so many bad things happen in this life. I felt prompted and asked, "What keeps you coming back to church and wanting to meet with us?" He then went to say that one, he has never seen such a people who are so faithful and dedicated to their beliefs. That was great and dandy, but what he said next pierced my soul! He said, "There have been some things that have happened this summer that just cannot be coincidence! I feel now that God's hand has been in my life for a long time and I've just been so hard headed I haven't realized it." I testified that it had! That it was no coincidence that we met and he has been meeting with us. We then taught how he can find out for himself! It was an awesome experience and strengthened my testimony that God's hand is in each of our lives. Sometimes the hardest part is being open enough to look and feel for it.
I was reading this morning in the Book of Mormon and came across something, that reaffirmed this for me! It's the story where Laman and Lemuel don't understand what Lehi's dream was all about and this is what he tells them...
"8 And I said unto them: Have ye inquired of the Lord?
9 And they said unto me: We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us.
10 Behold, I said unto them: How is it that ye do not keep the commandments of the Lord? How is it that ye will perish, because of the hardness of your hearts?
11 Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said?—If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you." (1 Nephi 15:8-11) (
I now pray everyday to be able to see the hand of God in my life! I know that he is ALWAYS there leading us, we just have to recognize it :)
Well, another cool experience is that we had the Catapalooza on campus this last week! It was a BLAST! All the companies and clubs and what not come out and set up tents on the campus and promote whatever they are doing. TONS of free stuff and lots of fun! There were over 250 tents and we had one for the institute here! It was so much fun and we got to talk to SOOO many people. My main goal was to make people smile :) Hahaha! I don't think a person walked by without smiling or wanting to know more! It was so much fun! Talked to EVERY person wearing anything Texas. Sadly though only 1 of them were actually from Texas! Haha It was hilarious because I was like, "HEY! Are you from Texas?" One lady we did talk to was from Texas on the street. We stopped her and she had a THICK accent and I asked where she was from and she said, "What? You can't tell?" and I said, "Oh I can tell that's why I asked! You're from Texas huh?!" Come to find out she is the wife of the First Baptist's preacher! Such a sweet lady :)
Well, I don't have much time but wanted to give you an update on what's going on :) I hope all is well and it sounds like good things are going on back at home :)
Just so you know, so many people tried to convince me to come back to go to school at MSU. So much that I was offered a few places to stay! Haha! I told them I would have to think about it. Texas is still high in my books! ;)
-Elder Parr