Thursday, July 7, 2011


Boy, did I definitely miss the huge family reunion this year and the pancake breakfast! My fourth was still fabulous though! Spent it with the family I've made here and friends as well! Went to our stake's annual flag raising ceremony and celebration. Had a quartet come in named the Doodle Dandy's who put on a pretty sweet performance! haha I love old guys who can sing good. Maybe when I get older I will be able to sing better....doubt it though haha! They had Costco muffins afterwards, my favorite. Won't lie, I had 3 of them and then found out afterwards that they are like 800 calories a piece!!! Holy smokes! Afterwards we spent the day playing America's past time sport of baseball :) Struck out plenty of time don't worry! Went to a cook out, NOT a BBQ, and played Austrailian golf and 4-square! haha all the kids were like, "GET ELDER PARR OUT!" hahaha it was a blast! Then went up in the hills to the M's for their annual firework show they put on! Tons of people and food and a great show! Their son just got home from his mission from Italy! Pretty sweet mission it looks like! Wonderful day spent thinking about all the family traditions we have back home!

This week has been busy with a lot of service and such. Got to help on a farm moving a bunch of cast iron and metal and wood and such in a huge dumpster! Helped a few familes move. Helped with a retaining wall and lots of other things! Also went to Costco for the first time on my mission! Boy did it bring back some good memories for sure! We went with the B's and they're youngest and only son Brock came with us too! haha He is exactly like me and I believe I taught him well! haha He kept slippin' stuff into the cart that he wanted, took EVERY sample and just played around! Made me feel like I was back home a bit haha

Sunday we went up to the Big Sky Branch that we cover! My first time going up there and their building is SO small! Basically everything was in the chapel. Sacrament, sunday school and even their pot luck that they call linger longer here! With only really 10 members that actually live up there we were expecting a VERY small service, til a family reunion showed up and we totalled about 60 people! We, of course, were asked to do the sacrament among many other things for them! haha Wonderful meeting :)

Well we had Zone Training in Billings yesterday which included a 2 hour drive there and back! Wonderful uplifting meeting and learned lots :)

Short email. President has allowed us to still email home even though it's so late in the week. Hope all is well at home and things are going well! Sent letters home the other day! Thank you for the package dad and the jubille tshirt is the BOMB!

Thank you for all the support, love and prayers you send my way!

-Elder Parr

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