Monday, January 24, 2011

"...out 3 months! ... I LOVE MY MISSION!"

So I've officially been out 3 months! Time is flying by SOOOO fast! Only 21 months left! This is crazy!

I'm doing great out here! The mission is the best thing ever! Elder Miner still doesn't like Texas. It's growing on him though. So to rub it in I sing, "Deep in the heart of Texas" before I go to sleep at night sometimes ;) haha It's classic!
By the way we are moving back to the L's tomorrow morning! So you can stop sending stuff to the W's. If you already have don't worry we can pick it up easily! Bro L. had shoulder surgery about 2 weeks ago. I've been helping him do his exercises and stuff, it's fun!

ANOTHER BAPTISM last week! T. decided to be baptized! it was awesome! Had a great turn out! Our ward mission leader, Bro. L. in Blodgett Canyon, a long time friend of his, baptized him! It's so great to see the gospel bless lives and bring families together! I added some pictures from the baptism too! Others are SOOO close to baptism that we are working with so hopefully we will have a few more soon!

Elder Miner and I were asked to speak in sacrament in the Hamilton ward this past Sunday. It was AWESOME! They asked me to speak on conversion from the perspective of a missionary and then had Sister S. (who was just baptized on the 1st) and Sister H. from England share their conversion stories and then Elder Miner talked about finding others to teach and families to share the gospel with! SUCH a spiritual sacrament meeting! I loved my topic because I hold it so close to my heart! Already having been a part of 3 baptisms since I've been here and watching the gospel change lives has been priceless! And then hearing Sister S. share here point of view was wonderful! There is no greater peace and joy than bringing the gospel to others!

This week has been absolutely wonderful! We taught lots of people and found new people to teach! We contacted a family we found about 2 months ago and finally were able to get in their home. Both said they had been talking about going to church again so we are now teaching them! I'm so thankful I'm an eagle scout because one of her sons Karsyn (I asked her how she got the spelling and she had said that she was pregnant and bored hahaha!) is in cub scouts and was learning knots and needed help learning how to do a square knot! So I was like " Karsyn, bring me that rope and I'll teach you how to do it!" By the end of the night he was tying anything he could find into square knots! It was pretty fun! He wrestles and has a LEGIT mohawk so we get along great ;) haha

We have continued meeting with A.! MAN, the guy is awesome! We met at a members home for our lesson which was awesome! His dad and A. have known each other forever so A. LOVED getting his perspective about what we were teaching. He soaked it all in and LOVED it all! Bro M. gave the analogy of the gospel and working out. He was like, "So I want to get big like you but I'm just going to research, study, watch videos and learn about lifting weights and nutrition to get big and strong like you. I'm not going to lift weights right now. No. Just study and research. Then, when I get big like you I'll come show you how big I am. Do you think that will happen?" And A. was like, "Oh heck no!" So J. was like, "The same is true with the gospel. You can study, investigate, learn and learn, but you won't be able to grow and prosper like if you got baptized and received the Holy Ghost and DID the things you are learning about. You wont grow spiritually." A. had a moment of like AHHHHH! And was like, "You're totally right"! He said he needed to make a decision soon and figure this out! It was so great! The spirit was definitely there and Bro M's comparison was right on cue!

I LOVE MY MISSION! Especially when it hit 50 yesterday after church! haha

Elder Parr

1 comment:

  1. hey elder parr, this is your grandma gormley. just finished reading your postings. loved all of them. you have such a great attitude and way with words and stories. keep up the good work , do the Lord's work and remember i love you.
