Monday, February 7, 2011

"I'm LOVIN' it!"

This week has been so wild and busy! I don't even know where to start! First off I have a new companion, Elder Willey. He is from Georgia and is a huge sports fan, especially baseball! So I've already given him a hard time about how the Rangers are better than the Atlalnta Braves! haha :) He is the youngest of 2 kids and is 23 right now. He is pretty chill and laid back but we get to work and we have accomplished a TON this week.

It's way different having to be the leader somewhat and plan EVERYTHING out because he has no clue who or where everyone is. So this week he was introduced to a TON of people!
I'm LOVIN' it! ...just like McDonalds ;) hahaha!

Sunday was fast Sunday and I bore my testimony in both wards :) I find it's so great to share your testimony so freely and frequently. I don't even hesitate to stand up and bear mine anymore. It's funny though because anytime I speak or whatever in sacrament meeting Sister W comes up to me afterwards and is like, "Oh, I just wish your mom could hear that!" and I always smile real big and say, "Oh, my mama knows what I know!" ;) hahaha I love her! I've grown so close to so many people here it's wonderful! As I truly lose myself in the work and get to know people the Lord REALLY does give me help with remembering names! I could tell you just about anyone here in Hamilton now! haha
I LOVE serving the people here and helping them ALL draw closer to CHRIST!!

I also got to drive this week! Oh it was so much fun! I haven't driven in forever! And driving in Montana is AWESOME because it's so pretty and so open! It's wonderful :)

So this week was a little slow with teaching investigators because it was like EVERYONE was sick here! It was ridiculous! We met with lots of inactive people and set up a bunch of appointments for this week!

I will need a few short sleeved white shirts, shortly. That's about it ;) haha I'm not really a needy boy, I could say.

Oh next week Sister L will be going to Houston to be with her daughter when she has her baby! So we get to feed their sheep all the time now since Bro L can't use his shoulder still after his surgery!! I'll be feeding the Lords sheep literally too! hahaha!!

The weather there sounds CRAZY! Bro L was telling me a little about it. When everyone was talking about the super bowl I was like, "You know where it's going to be at!?" And they would say Arlington and then I would be like, "YEAHHHH BUDDY! THAT'S WHERE I LIVE!" I bet it was so wild there last weekend! The Packers took it baby! haha Cowboys will get it pretty soon I'm sure!

Well, I wrote everyone back this week! I LOVE and thoroughly ENJOY doing it so I will continue to do so! Just forgive me if it takes a while. I don't have much time to write since I'm so busy!


Elder Parr

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