Monday, February 14, 2011


So this weekend we had stake conference here in the Stevensville Stake! It definitely made my week!

It first started on Saturday when they had Priesthood Leadership Training at 4, which we attended. They had these worksheets that we did to strive to be better leaders! We split off into groups and us missionaries went with all the ward mission leaders in the stake! It was wonderful! The subjects we discussed, out of the many, were relying on the spirit, building capacity and many others! It was a great meeting in learning how to become better leaders as Christ was.

After the meeting they fed us a quick dinner with subs, cookies and veggies. I think they think us missionaries starve because they made me eat like 4 subs and a plateful of cookies! Everytime they would see my plate empty they would be like, "Elder, go get some more!" and when I would say, "Oh, I'm good. I've had plenty", they would walk me to the kitchen AGAIN and put more on my plate! WOW! I was very grateful when President Rect, the second counselor in the stake presidency stood up and told us the meal was calorie free because we were doing the Lord's work. haha!

The adult session was AMAZING! I took so many notes I filled 3 pages worth! The theme for the conference was "Strengthning Families." Though I have no family of my own at this point, it made me reflect on our family and also the family I would like to have one day as well as the ward families I am trying to strengthen here on my mission! The words spoken were perfect! I will probably write home with some of my personal thoughts and impressions I had since my notes are back at home. President Olsen, the first counselor in the stake presidency, gave a perfect talk on work. In our families we all have a roll to fulfill. In each roll we all must work for the family to succeed! He gave a quote that I love...

"When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, the Lord is more willing to help the man who jumps out and starts pushing than the one who shouts out vain words in prayer for help."

The Lord is willing and wants to help us but only if we're willing and want to do our part! I loved his talk because I love to "DO WORK!" I can't tell you how many people I have saying that now! It's so awesome! I've been telling people that ever since i've been out and now whenever I talk to someone pretty much when we end our conversation and we depart they say DO WORK! and I say it back :) So everyone DO WORK!

The following morning on Sunday was stake conference. We were asked from Bro H, the high councilor over missionaries in the stake, to be ushers! IT WAS A BLAST! Elder Willey and I had an awesome time! I stood at the front door and welcomed everyone in and made them all smile and laugh! I've gotten to know SOOOO many people here in the stake it's ridiculous! I LOVED it! I think maybe one day i'll get a job being an usher or actually a greeter! HaHa Conference was awesome though. Had many new members stand and bear testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel; and of course the stake presidency nailed it! I was also able to meet President and Sister Nelson from the temple presidency of the Spokane, Washington Temple. They are amazing people and I talked to them for awhile on Saturday night.
Also, President Gardner and his wife were there as well. Oh, I love to see President Gardner! He is so small but so wonderful!

Their main focus and theme on strengthening families was to be having family scripture study and family prayer each day. President Sangster the Stake President gave an AWESOME talk. He said over and over "consistency over time without shortcuts!" He stressed that if we make scriptures study and prayer a routine in our families as our children grow older they will continue to do that in their lives and with their kids as well. He said when we neglect the time to do these things we are showing our family that they are not important in our lives. That we will do it only when it's convenient. He said we have to make these things a priority in our lives and make them everyday. I will include more in my letter home, but as he finished his talk he said he felt prompted to bless the entire stake. Right there from the pulpit he blessed the entire stake. It was such an amazing and powerful moment! I will never forget it!

I'm so grateful for the gospel I have in my life! It has brought me such joy and happiness! I LOVE my mission! This conference made me think of you guys and how much joy i've had being the oldest child and being able to watch you all grow up! I'm so grateful for all the times we've shared together and grown close to one another! I especially thought
of the time we went to go play in the mud ;) haha and of course everything else!

I pray that y'all will have family scripture study and prayer each day, if you're not already, and let the Lord guide each of your lives! I love y'all and pray for the best!

Elder Parr


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