Monday, March 12, 2012


What an AWESOME week!!!

I think I say this every week, but SOOO much has happened this week! Sorry, but it's not like I can say, "Oh nothing really happened this week." That just DOESN'T happen when you're doing the Lord's work and you see miracles daily! 

Started the week out awesome by attending zone conference here in Billings with about 60 missionaries and President Gardner :) What an awesome experience it is to be in a room filled with testimony, power and the spirit of God! If that won't get you pumped up i'll just say you're.....lame! haha JK
But really, it really puts you back into perspective. A few of the missionaries who are going home this transfer, including Elder Miner, talked me into playing a special musical number for them to sing in the meeting! It was SWEET :) I can testify once you share your talents you have the opportunity to share them more as afterwards we were asked to play in sacrament meeting this coming week for our ward! haha How sweet will that be! Hope I don't miss notes this time ;)

We also had Stake Conference which was amazing! Had some wonderful speakers who really inspired me! The theme of the conference was based on....

"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."
          -1 Timothy 4:12

So GREAT! What stood out to me the most is they said that we are examples whether we are living the gospel of Jesus Christ or not! We must have integrity and stand for what is right! Had a wonderful message about gratitude. Talked about how we can have gratitude in times of adversity and trial! Hard to do, but it's so worth it :) If all you had today was what you expressed thanks for yesterday, what would you have?

I think the thing that stuck out to me the most is that we talked about "real growth". I believe so many of us in our lives don't take advantage of everything around else to expand our horizons and knowledge. We get stuck in this rut of what we call a "routine". We do the same things day in and day out. Wake up, go to work, make dinner, pay bills, go to sleep and repeat for....the next 5 years until something may pop up in our way. If not, no worries though. Where is the growth in that? We should be consistantly seeking for opportunities that will allow us to learn, to experience different situations and most of all draw closer to God. Those who say they believe in God, but do nothing each day to know him better, are they really progressing? Are they growing spiritually? Just like muscles, you must exercise and work them out in order for them to stay in shape and for them to expand and get bigger and stronger. The same is likewise with spiritual matters! We must be exercising our faith by experimenting on the Lord's words and serving others! You wouldn't merely watch workout videos without participating and expect results would you? I would encourage each of you to get off the couch, turn off the t.v., put up the iPods and phones and go DO SOMETHING! Find someone to serve, open your scriptures for once, kneel and thank God for what you have in your lives. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish and do as you set aside the distractions of the world and seek to do the Father's will! Trust me, it's miraculous! You have to want to first though ;) Once you do you won't want to stop though! It's contagious :)

This week the weather was AMAZING! Averaged about 60 all week, which in Montana or anywhere is AMAZING! Spring is on its way :) 

Going to help someone quit smoking tonight! We're excited and so is she! Love to see people who want to make changes in their lives :)


-Elder Parr

p.s. added a couple of pictures for you ;)

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