Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day...the day after ;)

HahahA!! So as you can tell, y'all never got an email from me yesterday.....that's because EVERY library or place we could email from was closed due to the national holiday!

Sorry. I don't have much time today...one quick story. We were out tracting out this trailer park out of town and it started hailing and raining on us! It was so much fun and then the park manager came and kicked us out pretty much. Said it was private property! Fun times! Got some flooding here too! There has been so much snow over the winter that hasn't even melted yet and it has been raining like crazy! Streets have been flooding and stuff. No major damage here yet, but supposed to get worse once the snow starts to melt :/ It is pretty interesting!

I love y'all and hope all is well! Keep up all the good work and SMILE :)
-Elder Parr

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